Between Belgradkapı and Topkapı on İstanbul’s great Byzantine Land Walls, Silivrikapı, as it name suggests was the gate through which ran the road out to Silivri in Thrace (Trakya). Originally it was called the Gate of Selebria.

Just inside the gate is the Hadım İbrahim Paşa Cami, designed by Sinan in 1551 and given a lovely, peaceful courtyard in which the eunuch-founder is buried.

Just outside the gate is a unique structure for İstanbul – a hypogeum (usually an underground tomb but here an enclosed one) dating back to the 5th century and only discovered in 1988. Thirteen people were buried here in a rectangular chamber, with the tombs along the longer walls fronted with lavish limestone carvings (the originals have been removed to the İstanbul Archaeological Museum) while a plainer one is raised on a plinth at the far end opposite the entrance. The scenes depicted included the giving of the 10 Commandments to Moses, the near-sacrifice of Abraham, a meeting of the Disciples and images of family members. They may originally have been painted. Sadly, it is no longer accessible to visitors. 

Tomb of Bal Külliyesi

Heading north into Tekke Maslaği Sokak you’ll find the Bal Külliyesi, originally built in the 15th century for Topcubaşı Bala Suleyman Ağa who took part in the siege of Constantinople in 1453. Completed by 1457, it started out with just a small mosque, a dervish lodge and a well but was completely rebuilt on a larger scale for the Nakşibendis in 1863 by Sazkar Kalfa. Its striking fountain and schoolhouse were added by Periüstü Valide Sultan who was the last official queen mother (valide sultan). The earthquake of 1894 did terrible damage to the complex which was repaired by Adile Sultan. Once rebuilt the large tomb at the heart of the complex was decorated with a band of calligraphy by Omar Faik Efendi.

Transport info

Silivrikapı is on a number of city bus routes but is quite a walk from the tram and metro services.

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Replica of carving of near sacrifice of Abraham from hypogeum


Replica carving of Jesus and the Disciples from hypogeum

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