West of the road running south from Çanakkale to Ayvacık, the Biga Peninsula, the ancient Troad described by Homer as “windy”, is worth visiting if you’re interested in remote archaeological sites set amid gentle arable countryside. The sea is never more than a short drive away.

Heading out from Assos/Behramkale you will come first to Dalyan, a modern holiday village with, scattered in the fields nearby, the sparse remains of the originally Hellenistic town of Alexandria Troas. Beyond that lies the small town of Gülpınar, site of the more substantial remains of the Temple of Apollo Smintheion, and then Babakale where a small harbour is dominated by the remains of a huge late Ottoman castle.

Note that the town of Biga is nowhere near here, lying midway along the road stretching east from Lapseki to Erdek.


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