“Seven Churches” (Yedikilise)/”Upper Bucket” (Yukarı Bakraçlı)    Population: 1,000ish

Other name: Varagavank (Armenian)

***In 2011 the village was hit by the earthquake. No one was killed but the church was damaged and can only be viewed from the outside now.*** 

If you’re staying in Van it’s possible to drive or take a taxi to the pretty stone-built village of Yukarı Bakraçlı (Upper Bakraçlı) , also known as Yedikilise. This is home not actually to seven churches but to the extraordinary remains of the old Armenian Varak Manastırı (the Monastery of the Holy Sign).

The original 11th-century church on the site was famous for possessing a piece of the True Cross as discovered by St Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine. This had been stolen from Jerusalem in the seventh century by the Persian King Chosroes who then lost it to the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius.

In the 17th century a vast frescoed extension was added to the church which is still extremely impressive despite having been squeezed into a corner by a mosque built right in front of it. The photos of the frescoes shown here were taken in 2010.

Of the other churches once assembled nearby the apse of the Church of St Sophia still survives.

Your taxi will only have to pull up for locals to come running with the key.

Transport info

Taxi drivers are familiar with the 9km drive into the hills to reach Yedikilise but you should still agree a price for the return trip and waiting time with them before setting out.


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