Population: 100

Old name: Loriz

Twenty km southwest of the Central Anatolian town of Ereğli lies the village of Aydınkent with, beyond it at the end of a canyon and beside a fast-flowing river, the site of İvriz where a large Late Hittite relief is carved into the rock.  According to the inscription, it shows the god Tarhundas handing grapes and corn to Warpalawas (Warbala), king of the Hittite town of Tuwana (near modern Niğde). It dates back to the 8th century BC.

This is a popular local picnicking spot and one has to wonder whether the relief is adequately protected, given its great antiquity and importance.

Another path is marked to a cave (mağara). It runs past spectacular rocky scenery but the cave itself turns out to be blocked and further along the rock has fallen, blocking the path. There are also many ruined early Byzantine churches in the valley although they are not easy to access.

İvriz itself was once a village of adobe houses, painted white, with thatched roofs. After the opening of the İvriz Dam in 1984 most of the villagers moved into modern Aydınkent.

Transport info

Without your own car you will need to hire a taxi in Ereğli for the return journey.

“…If I had known the Hittite language I would have offered up a short prayer to the god with the curly hair and the tiara of horns who had brought such good things out of the naked earth.”  Gertrude Bell, 1905

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