Holy island

Southeast of Fethiye lies Gemile, a small sandy bay with barely any facilities but with great views out towards Gemile Adası, also known as Ayios Nikolas Adası (St Nicholas’ Island).

A lovely, peaceful place, Ayios Nikolas island is home to the ruins of four early Byzantine churches that struggle up the hill offering more and more dramatic views as they go. Here, too, there is a vast stone cistern. But the single most memorable feature is long stone tunnel that runs up the hillside.

Not much is known about the island’s history but it is thought that Christian pilgrims may have used it as a waystation on their journey to the shrine of St Nicholas at Myra (Demre/Kale), hence its name.

Transport info

Unless you’re the owner of a private yacht you’re only likely to be able to visit the island on one of the pleasure cruises out of Fethiye or Ölüdeniz which means having to share it with all the other passengers at the same time.Gemiler3


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