“Hidden City” Gorge

If you’re staying in Fethiye it’s fairly easy to visit the Saklıkent Gorge, a place I used to think magical before over-development robbed it of much of its charm. In the past the joy used to be to walk into a gorge so deep and narrow that the sun never penetrated to the bottom even in the height of summer. Here you could tuck into a lunch of freshly-cooked trout on one of any number of platforms angled over the water, an unforgettable treat.

Imagine my shock, then, on my most recent visit to discover that all but one of those platforms had been removed in favour of a fast-food cafe serving hot dogs and hamburgers!

Why? I can only imagine that the competition from the many restaurants that set up along the banks of the river outside the entrance to the gorge undercut the business inside it.

You can still enjoy wading through the icy water and perhaps indulge in some of the sports such as tubing that are on offer. But if you want to sit at a kiosk in the water it will probably have to be outside the gorge now.

Transport info

In theory you can take a dolmuş to and from the gorge under your own steam although you may find it very hard to persuade the drivers to let you do that.

Don’t let them divert you into eating in their most favoured restaurant – others are almost bound to be cheaper.

saklikent2The eating action at Saklikent is mostly on the river now

If instead you opt to take a tour from Fethiye, Kaş or Kalkan it will probably take in the ruins at nearby Tlos too.

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