“Murad’s city”     Population: 16,000

Old name: Perkri/Berkri

If you’re travelling between Doğubayazıt and Van the most obvious place to break your journey is at Muradiye where there is an impressive waterfall (şelale) kitted out with picnicking facilities. It is named after Sultan Murad IV who passed through on his way to capture Baghdad in 1638. The waterfall often freezes in winter, a particularly impressive sight.

Muradiye itself is a largely Kurdish town with a sad history, having been devastated by an earthquake in 1976. It sits beneath the ruins of a castle with a history dating back to the Urartians but probably largely rebuilt in the 16th century.

Close to the town are the hillside remains of a 13h-century monastic church dedicated to St Argelan as well as slighter remains of a funerary chapel. I have not seen either of them unfortunately.


The Gökdem Royal Hotel is available if you decide to extend your visit to Muradiye. Tel: 0432-431 3737

Transport info

Buses from Doğubayazıt to Van pass by Muradiye and can drop you off. How easy it would be to get a seat on the onward bus to Van is another matter.

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