Kastellorizo may be in Greece but the Western Mediterranean resort of Kaş still makes the best base for visiting this Dodocanese island. In one of those curiously perverse twists of political geography, the island is just 2km from the coast of Turkey (where it’s called Meis) yet belongs to Greece which means that EU citizens can visit without a visa.

Kastellorizo is quite large and mountainous but most boat trips from Kaş allow barely enough time to take a turn along the delightful sea-facing promenade, visit the museum, shop for a few souvenirs, contrast the way in which the old stone buildings have been preserved here with the way in which they’ve been jettisoned in Turkey and lunch at one of the restaurants to see what twists a Greek fish restaurant adds to the menu on offer in a Turkish one.

If you want more time to enjoy what’s on offer or to use the island as a stepping stone for travelling on into Greece then you should plan to stay the night here in one of its several pensions. If you do stay you’ll have time to investigate Castello Rosso above the town, visit the monastery of St George of the Mountain and explore the Blue Cave.

Because Kastellorizo is in Greece this trip involves a few extra formalities although these days you only usually need to hand your passport to the travel agent on the morning of the day you plan to sail.

Every June since 2005 a swimming race between Kastellorizo and Kaş has aimed to promote inter-communal peace and friendship between Greece and Turkey.

Transport info

Meis Express (Tel: 0242-836 1725, www.meisexpress.com) provides a daily summer service to the island, departing at 10am and returning at 3pm.


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