“Three Mouths”                  Population: 500

Old name: Temiussa

Just east of Kaş on the Western Mediterranean coast, tiny Üçağız was once the Lycian settlement of Temiussa. Today it’s a rare untouched fishing village of ramshackle properties which makes a good base from which to launch yourself out to sea in a kayak.


There is a sprinkling of simple places to stay here, most of them close to the water. Telemen’in Evi (Telemen’s House) is a little inland but comes with bags of character.

Kekova Pension. Tel: 0242-874 2258

Likya Cennet Pension. Tel: 0242-874 0533

Onur Pension. Tel: 0242-874 2071

Telemen’in Evi. Tel: 0242-874 2218

Transport info

Ücağız is much harder to get to than you might expect given that it’s on the busy Western Mediterranean coast. There is one afternoon dolmuş a day from Antalya and another form Demre but none from Kaş which leaves the carless dependent on taxis.

Day trip destinations



Kaleköy (Simena)


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