Safranbolu’s aqueduct

If you find yourself in Safranbolu with time on your hands, it’s worth knowing that it’s a pleasant drive north to the picturesque İncekaya Su Kemeri, a Byzantine aqueduct across the Tokatlı Kanyon (gorge) that was completely rebuilt in the 1790s by İzzet Mehmet Paşa, a grand vizier who also paid for a grand mosque in the town centre.

A glass terrace was erected 80 metres above the bottom of the canyon in 2012 to enable visitors to gaze down into it. It’s near the car park, out of sight of the aqueduct.

Transport info

There is no public transport to the aqueduct (7km) so without your own car you will either have to sign up for a tour from Safranbolu or make private arrangements with a taxi driver.

The walk to the aqueduct through the gorge is also said to be enjoyable.


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