West of Kastamonu the village of Pınarbaşı makes a possible base for visiting the Valla Kanyon, a 12km-long, 800m-deep gorge in the Küre Dağları Milli Parkı (National Park) which at one time could only be reached by hiking 26 km through the surrounding forest. This is Turkey’s deepest canyon and is sometimes claimed to be the second deepest in the world. The Devrekanı Çayı (river) runs along its floor.

This is demanding trekking country, only really suitable for well-equipped and experienced walkers. In 2020 a seyir terası (viewing platform) was opened to enable those less able to hike to at least experience something of the canyon’s majesty.


Paşa Konağı Rooms in a unique wooden mansion that narrowly escaped demolition. Tel: 0366-771 3375

Transport info

There are dolmuşes from Kastamonu to Pınarbaşı.


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