Beypazarı Canyon

If you find yourself in Beypazarı, near Ankara, with time on your hands it’s worth knowing that it sits just beside the İnözü Vadisi, a picturesquely rocky gorge that runs alongside the road leading north to Kıbrıscık.

Four or five km into the gorge there are several pleasant riverside restaurants and tea gardens, but even if you only venture a short way along it you will get a particularly impressive view of Beypazarı, its houses piled up around a hillside. You will also pass the remains of a 13th-century Selçuk tomb perched beside the road.

The valley attracts a wide range of birds, including several varieties of vulture. To find out exactly what you might see when, drop into the Doğa Evi (Nature House) near Beypazarı Museum before setting out.

Transport info
The start of the gorge is within easy walking distance of Beypazarı.

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