Quince village               Population: 500

Buried deep in the Cappadocian countryside, this sleepy hamet offers a taste of what life was like in the area before the coming of mass tourism.

The main reason to come here would be to stay in the lovely Gamirasu Hotel created out of a network of old stone houses and caves and with its own private rock-cut church. This is a real treat provided you have a car so that you can get out to explore the rest of the area without having to rely on public transport or lifts.

Since 2013 it has also been possible to sign up for a local cookery course in Ayvalı.


Gamirasu Hotel. Tel: 0384-341 5825

Transport info

No buses serve Ayvalı. Hotel guests can arrange to be collected from Ürgüp but ideally you need a car.

Day trip destinations


Damsa Gölü

Keşlik Kilisesi


Pancarlık Vadisi






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