Southern Marmara beach resort        Population: 3,000

Old name: Priapos

Market day: Friday

The small beach resort of Karabiga (Black Biga) on the southern shore of the Sea of Marmara, due north of Biga, is popular with holidaying Turkish families for whom the sand comes equipped with cafes, pedaloes and sun loungers.

Of ancient Priapos, founded in the 7th century BC by colonists from Miletus, only giant chunks of broken wall survive from a castle with 24 towers that once graced the headland and ran right down to twin harbours. It’s a bit of a scramble to get up to them but the reward is a fine view out over a succession of rocky bays and beautiful coastal scenery to the west.

Priapos was named after the famous fertility god, Priapus, whose cult was very big here.


The town itself is still a busy container port with a few seafood restaurants – the Kordon is the most traditional, the Başak the trendiest – facing out to sea and a promenade. A few old stone warehouses and brick houses are just about hanging on in the same area.


Otel Yakamoz. Tel: 0286-354 1400

Transport info

There are hourly buses between Biga and Karabiga.


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