Turkey’s tallest waterfall

Don’t make the mistake of looking for Tortum waterfall near the town of Tortum on the road from Erzurum to Artvin. In fact it’s north of Uzundere at the northern end of Tortum Gölü (lake).

At 48m high, the waterfall will be beautiful whenever you visit it but is at its stunning best at the end of May/beginning of June when plumped up with melted snow.

There’s a fee to park beside the waterfall, then steps lead down to a viewing platform. Afterwards you can drink çay beside a small pool at the top.

Avoid visiting at weekends when the car park is chaos.

Transport info

There’s nothing to stop you hopping off a bus travelling between Erzurum and Artvin to visit the falls, then hopping back on the next one. Otherwise, you can get a taxi from Uzundere.


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