Burhan’s town                              Population: 41,000

Market day: Monday

At Edremit, the North Aegean coast road turns a sharp right and starts to head south for Ayvalık. On the way, it skirts Burhaniye, a small town that contains a museum commemorating the Kuva-yi Milliye (National Forces), the irregular militias that started the armed resistance during the splintering of what is now Turkey after World War I. It stands just behind the fine Koca Camii that dates back to 1841.


But the main reason to come to Burhaniye is not the inland town but the beachside suburb of Ören (Ruins) that takes its name from the scant remains of ancient Adramytteion, the settlement that gave its name to modern Edremit.

Today, sadly, the scant ruins stand locked behind a fence and tidied up beside a café on the waterfront. Disappointing as they are, they do nonetheless provide an excuse to wander around what is probably the prettiest and most upmarket beach resort along this part of the coast, a place where low-rise holiday homes are almost hidden amid the lush growth of mature gardens just seconds away from a fine stretch of sand.


Although there are hotels in Burhaniye itself it would be much nicer to stay nearby in Ören.

Transport info

There are frequent minibuses from Edremit and Ayvalık to Burhaniye, passing through Gömeç.

To get to Ören you may need to take a taxi from Burhaniye.

Day trip destinations






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