Population: 10,500

Old name: Armutova

If you’re traveling round the Northern Aegean coast by dolmuş, you may find yourself transiting the small town of Gömeç. Gömeç has no specific sites to offer but does, nonetheless, boast a magnificent old stone belediye (municipal) building with a sultan’s tuğra (monogram) still proudly displayed on its façade.  As the bus glides out of town to the south, you’ll also past a handful of magnificent old mansions that presumably belonged to Greeks in the happy days before this stretch of coast was convulsed by events following World War I and during the population exchange of 1924.


There are lots of hotels around Burhaniye and Edremit although the nicest place to stay nearby would probably be Ören. 

Transport info

There are frequent dolmuşes to Gömeç from Ayvalık, Burhaniye and Edremit.



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