“Large tomb”

Population: 340

Kümbet as it was in 2004 before restoration

If visiting the Phrygian site of Midas Şehri it’s well worth diverting 18km west to drowsy little Kümbet. The village is named after the Selçuk Kümbet Dede Tekkesi, a tomb rather than a tekke (dervish lodge) despite the name, which was built using materials from much older Byzantine structures, perhaps from the lost town of Metropolis (not to be confused with Metropolis at Torbalı). Arguably, it could do without the modern fence and lampposts that now surround it.

Kümbet village only dates back to 1799 when it was apparently established by a derebey (local lord) called Yarımağa. Of his home the most conspicuous remnant is a very Cappadocian-style rock-cut fireplace.

The house was built near the fine Arslanlı Mabet (Lion Tomb) which was originally carved out by the Phrygians and then reused by the Romans. The facade is carved with the images of two impressive lions (Phrygian) with, above them, two eagles one on either side of a shield (Roman). The structure is sometimes called the Tomb of Solon because a Greek inscription, also on the facade, mentions Solon.

Kumbet1Transport info

You will need a private car to get to Kümbet. Kumbet4


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