If you run your finger down the west coast of Turkey you will come eventually to Marmaris, and, beyond it, to a two-pronged spit of land that juts out into the Aegean Sea and resembles an open mouth all ready to swallow up the tiny Greek island of Simi (Symi, Sömbeki). The upper jaw of this spit is the Reşadiye Peninsula, named after the tiny town of Reşadiye at the far western end. Today it’s perhaps more commonly called the Datça Peninsula after its largest town although historically it was called the Rhodian Peninsula since its handful of settlements were in political partnership with Rhodes.

The lower jaw is the Hisarönü Peninsula, named after the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it resort of Hisarönü but sometimes known as the Loryma Peninsula after the scant remains of the ancient city of Loryma right at the southern tip or as the Bozburun Peninsula after the small town nearby.

Heading out of Marmaris the road comes first to Değirmenyanı (Next to the Mill) where a narrow road heads north to the exclusive hotels of Bördübet. Shortly afterwards the road splits; the northern branch heads for Datça and the Reşadiye Peninsula, the southern for Bozburun and the Hisarönü Peninsula.

Buses ply up and down the Hisarönü Peninsula taking passengers to Hisarönü itself after which the road forks with the southern fork heading via Bayır to Söğüt while the northern fork continues to the harbour settlements of Orhaniye and Selimiye, the latter the jewel in the crown of the peninsula when it comes to natural beauty. Beyond Selimiye the road continues to the little harbour village of Bozburun and on to even sleepier Söğüt along a road not served by public transport.

This is one of the more beautiful and unspoilt parts of the Turkish coast, protected (so far) from over-development by its sheer remoteness and its mountainous terrain. In high season expect the peace and quiet to be disturbed by streams of jeeps bringing safari passengers from Marmaris to see the sights.

Interestingly, many of its place names on the peninsula are associated with the Ottomans. Orhaniye is named after the second sultan, Orhan (1281-1362), and Selimiye after Selim I (1470-1520), nicknamed “the Grim” by Westerners. Even tiny Turgut recalls the great Ottoman admiral Turgut (1485-1565) after whom Turgutreis on the Bodrum Peninsula is also named. butterflyThese butterflies can also be seen on the peninsula. Anyone know what they are?


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