“White Village”

There is no particular reason why you would want to make a special trip to visit Akköy which merely happens to sit midway between the ruins at Didyma and Miletus. However, for those without their own wheels this is as far as buses from Altınkum and Didyma go in the direction of Miletus. From here it’s still another 5km via Balat to the ruined city that was once connected to Didyma via a Sacred Way. Which means that budget travellers may well find themselves kicking their heels in Akköy while they wait for a ride to Balat/Miletus.

If that happens to you, it’s worth noting that this is a relatively pretty village in which the lower walls of most houses have been prettily whitewashed. Tucked away behind them you might also stumble upon a long stretch of original cobbled street, something of a rarity these days when most cobbles have been ripped out in favour of paving stones.

From Akköy it’s possible to walk almost all the way to the Temple of Apollo in Didyma along 15km of the old Sacred Way (Kutsal Yolu). The path is marked with double-flash symbols on the rocks although there are a couple of places where you could go astray. Most of the walk is on the flat – you won’t need special gear to walk it. kutsal2

Transport info

Buses connecting Söke to Altınkum pass through Akköy on their way to and from Didyma (known to the drivers as Apollon Tabanağı).


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