“White Sand”                                                       Population: negligible 

If you want to go for a swim while staying at the small harbour village of Sığacık your best bet is probably to hop on the bus that stops just outside the walls on the main road and then hop off again at Akkum, the end of the line.

Akkum barely exists as an actual place. Instead it’s a tiny gathering of hotels, restaurants, bars and souvenir shops set around a lovely sandy bay.

An inviting place, not at all an overblown resort on the Kuşadası or Özdere scale, it particularly attracts the windsurfing community.


Club Resort Atlantis. Tel: 0232-745 7455akkumsig2

Transport info

Minibuses run every half-hour between Seferihisar and Akkum passing through Sığacık.

There’s  a taxi rank at Akkum for visits to the Teos ruins. A bus to Güneşköy also passes the site every two hours so at cooler times of year you could go there by bus, then walk back to the main road to pick up the Seferihisar-Akkum bus.

Day trip destinations





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