“Two Bridges”                              Population: 3,400

Other name: Avuski

Just east of the small town of Beşiri, near Batman, İkiköprü is a dreary little settlement but which does indeed boast two bridges close together, one for the railway and one for the road. If you’re driving this way you might want to divert for a quick look.

About 7km away in the village of Bozhöyük lie the remains of ancient Erzen (Tigranocerta), although no one in İkiköprü seems to realise that. There’s no transport to get you there and no chance of a taxi from here either; try Beşiri instead.

Transport info

There are half-hourly minibuses from Batman‘s local bus terminal to İkiköprü. Ask to be dropped at the far end of the village closest to the bridges – a 1km walk from the road. ikik1


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