If you’re not too hung up on having a Mersin sea view, the Cadde Park Hotel makes a good alternative to the waterfron places, handily positioned midway between the train station and the Atatürk Evi museum. The brash exterior won’t win many fans but inside the bedrooms are comfortable even if the tan fittings are a little old-fashioned. Ask for a room at the back to avoid street noise.

My room had very good air-con, a decent wifi connection and a minibar even stocked with beer. It could have done a few more power points. In the bathroom the sink was a little cramped. Ditto the shower.

There’s a pleasant sitting area on the ground floor with tea and coffee on tap all day.

The fourth-floor breakfast room is more modern in decor than the bedrooms and adjourns an equally attractive lounge with a balcony breakfasting table for smokers. The breakfast spread was fairly standard but none the less adequate for that.

Tel: 0324-237 8353


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