Prehistory writ large

Roughest of all the roads you can take out of Kağızman is the one that wends its way towards the village of Camuşlu and then past it to a yayla (upland meadow) where a series of extraordinary rock carvings can be seen beneath a rocky overhang. The road is barely usable with a normal car even when the weather is good; after rain it becomes impassable.

Sometimes you can’t pick your transport…

The scenery is absolutely out of this world, especially once you reach the yayla which will be knee-deep in wild flowers in spring. Chances are that you’ll find herds of cattle grazing up here too.

There are several groups of drawings on the rocks, the most dramatic of them grouped together like rock wallpaper. You will immediately be able to make out deer with dramatic antlers and a few wild goats with curved horns but there’s also a small figure of a hunter as well.

 Transport info

Without your own car you will need to hire a taxi in Kağızman to get to the carvings.


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