“Five Churches”

Midway between the village of Dağpınar and the small town of Digor on the road south from Kars to Iğdır, the remains of a cluster of old Armenian churches on the lip of an isolated gorge should make a stunning sight.

Unfortunately, to see them safely you need to be visiting in company and wearing good walking boots. Taxi drivers from Digor will happily deposit you at the rim of the gorge but there’s no proper path to follow and it’s not so long since the mayor slipped and broke his leg while attempting to visit. I bottled it. You have been warned.

In Digor itself the old church has been stripped to its very last facing stones and makes a sorry sight.

Transport info

Digor dolmuşes leave from the centre of Kars. If they’re not full, minibuses to Igdır will also take Digor passengers – a servis bus ferries them from Kars Eski Garaj to the main otogar.


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