Twenty-five kilometres north-west of Mudurnu is Abant Gölü (1.3 sq km), a pristine crater lake surrounded by woodland inside a national park (tabiat parki). It’s a great place to visit at any time of year but is at its colourful best in spring and autumn when the spectacular foliage of the trees makes a perfect frame for the water.

There are two five-star hotels right on the lake-shore, both of them built to satisfy the international conference trade. Luckily they’re reasonably discreet and offer inviting waterside restaurants in which even non-residents can tuck into tasty locally-caught trout.

In winter horse-drawn phaetons on skis can be hired to circumnavigate the lake. At other times of year the phaetons still make a colourful and relaxing way to explore the waterside.abant2


There are camping facilities beside the lake.

Taksim International Abant Palace Hotel Tel: 0374-224 5012

Büyük Abant Oteli Tel: 0374-224 5033

If you’re not the five-star-hotel type but would still like to make the most of the greenery, another option is to put up at the Değirmenyeri Dağ Evleri (Tel: 0374-421 2677), a set of six comfortable mountain chalets in Kilözü village between Abant and Mudurnu. Out of season it’s wise to phone ahead to make sure someone will be there to receive you.

Transport info

Thirty-five km south of Bolu, Lake Abant makes a delightful spot to break a journey between İstanbul (258km) and Ankara (225km).

The lake is best visited by private car since there is no public transport to get you here. Taxis can be hired in Mudurnu (18km).

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