“Black Cave”

If you’re staying in Antalya one possible excursion destination would be to the Karain Cave in Yağca village, 30km to the north-west of the city off the Burdur road. It is thought to have been inhabited by prehistoric man for a barely credible 25,000 years from around the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age.

The cave network is extensive although most of the things found inside it have long since been removed to museums in Antalya and Ankara.

The cave makes a perfect break for boys who would prefer never to hear another word about the Romans. Most of the finds are in the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara.


The best base for a visit to Karain is Antalya which has accommodation in all price brackets.

Transport info

Karain is best visited with a private car. Failing that, you might want to combine it with a visit to the ruins at Termessos, picking up a taxi at Korkuteli.


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