“Floating Islands”

For those disappointed to arrive in Bingöl and find the town of “1000 Lakes” without a single one to its name it’s comforting to discover that the Yüzen Adalar (Floating Islands) are not far out of town to the east, off the road to Muş.

And they really do float! Sure, Aksakal Gölü (Lake Whitebeard) is not a big lake (more of a pond really) but there are three separate grassy islands made up of intertwined aquatic plants floating freely in it. Provided you’re close enough to the shore you can jump onto one of them and wait for it to carry you far enough away from shore that the caretaker will have to come with a big pole and haul you back to land again. It’s not a major attraction but it is a bit of fun in an area that often seems low on that commodity.

Originally there were apparently seven such lakes but four have been lost to grazing so now the single remaining lake/pond is fenced off from the animals. There’s a small pavilion here to grab a glass of çay. Otherwise, nothing.

The lakes have been a legally protected natural monument (tabiat anıtı) since 2003.

Transport info

You could take the bus from Bingöl to Muş and get out at the Hazarşah road junction where you see the sign to the islands but that would leave a 4.5km walk to the lake and back.

Taxi drivers in Bingöl town centre know how to get here.

Read more: The Palan-Maker of Gerger


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