At the opposite (northern) end of the beach from the Olympos backpacker hangout, Çıralı is the grown-up take on holidaying in the Bey Dağları National Park, with a succession of small pensions and hotels lining a “high street” that has a couple of grocery shops, a cake shop and not much else. Increasingly, larger hotels are colonising the ground behind those on the waterfront though.

Çıralı’s attractions are much the same as those of Olympos: the proximity of the (shingle) beach, the soaring mountain backdrop and the proximity of the romantic ruins at Olympos and of the Chimaera, the eternal flame burning on the mountainside. It has become a bit of an eco-warriors’ hideout with many of the pension owners keen on green/environmental issues, although it’s also popular with holidaying families.

Çıralı is closer to the Yanartaş/Chimaera than Olympos which means that you can walk to it without needing transport if you’re feeling energetic. The ruins of ancient Olympos are a mere kilometre’s walk away along the beach.

Other than that there’s not much to do at Çıralı other than relax, enjoy the beach and perhaps take the odd boat excursion along the coast or on to Myra, Demre and Simena.

Note: There is no cash machine in Çıralı.


Most of the hotels and pensions serve their own meals and there are a few pleasant enough restaurants on the beach if you don’t mind having to listen to clashing musical tastes coming at you from all sides. Prices are comparatively high for what’s on offer so check the menus carefully before making your choice.

Alternatively you can pop up to Ulupınar for a pleasant trout lunch or dinner amid the trees.


With only a couple of exceptions Çıralı’s places to stay are low-rise and buried amid greenery. Many are bungalows or cabins set on spacious lawns with chickens running around them. If you know where you want to stay, the dolmuş from the main road will be able to drop you at the door, an opportunity worth taking since the newer places are now some way from the main stop.

Olympos Lodge

Right on the beach as it starts its march out of Çiralı towards Olympos, this is a hotel that could hardly have a more inviting location. Its twelve luxuriously equipped bungalows are set far apart from each other around a lawn, ensuring total privacy. The ruins at Olympos are just a short walk away, the constant flames of the Chimaera a slightly longer trek. The stars at night are simply unbelievable.

Tel: 0242-825 7171,

Akdeniz Bahçesi, Tel: 0242-825 7298

Arkadia, Tel: 0242-825 7340

Barış Pansiyon

Sima Peace Pension, Tel: 0242-825 7245

Transport info

Take a bus along the main KaşAntalya coast road and ask to be put off at the Çıralı junction. In summer a dolmuş will probably be waiting to run you down to the village; if it looks as if there will be a long wait for other passengers offer to pay a bit extra to be dropped off immediately.

Day trip destinations






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