The other Mt Nemrut

In the unfair way of things touristic it’s the Nemrut Dağı near Adıyaman – the one with the giant tumbled Comnenian heads on the top of it – that grabs all the attention while the other Nemrut Dagı, the one near Tatvan, goes virtually uncommented. This second mountain is, however, just as wonderful albeit in a completely different way. If the Adıyaman Nemrut is a place of brown and yellow, of stone and silent history, the Tatvan Nemrut (3050m) is all cool green and blue, a place where hot and cold crater lakes compete for the attention of summer picnickers.

In 2012 Nemrut Dağı was an exquisite unspoilt place offering stupendous views in all directions but particularly towards Lake Van. I’ve heard that it now boasts simple ski facilities with one ski lift.

The last recorded eruption of this Nemrut Dağı is recorded in an Armenian source as taking place in 1692.

The freshwater lakes in the caldera (one of them 40km in circumference) are apparently becoming gradually more salty.


There is nowhere to stay on the mountain. Nearby Tatvan has a reasonable selection of hotels.

Transport info

There is no public transport to get you up the mountain. Without a car, you will need to hire a taxi in Tatvan.


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