The main road from Denizli to Ankara heads east, passing within four km of the entrance to the Kaklık Mağarası (cave), where the same sort of travertines visible at Pamukkale can be found but this time underground.

In summer tour groups clog the wooden walkway that carries visitors around the rock formations but out of season there’s a fair chance that you’ll have this extraordinary place to yourself.

Transport info

The easiest way to get to Kaklık is on a tour organised by one of the Pamukkale hotels or pensions.

Failing that, Denizli taxi drivers know the way although you may have to haggle hard for a good price for the 80km round trip; ask them to pause so that you can inspect the Akhan on the way back.

If you decide to walk the four km from the road be warned that you’ll be passing a succession of dusty and busy marble quarries.










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