Population: 425

Market day: Sunday

Tevfikiye is the small village beside the ruins of Troy. Most people whiz straight through it in a bus but it’s possible to stay the night either in the long-lived, family-run Varol Pansiyon or at the Hotel Hisarlık above the restaurant and souvenir shop where the road turns right for Troy. A stay in either place will give you a chance to experience a more rural take on Turkey in comparison with the somewhat hectic atmosphere of Çanakkale.

There’s nothing specific to see here and the mock-up of the archaeologist Schliemann’s house that used to sit beside the restaurant was in a sorry state of disrepair in 2012. The restaurant complex had also been left high and dry by a decision to move the entrance to Troy much closer to the site which meant that visitors were no longer dropped near Tevfikiye to offload their money. However, in 2019 the village was designated an archaeology park, and given a new “square” overlooking the Troad and decorated with busts of figures from Homer’s Iliad. The mosque, which had been built by an architect from Erenköy in 1895 using spolia from Troy, was restored and the wedding salon turned into a small museum. Let’s see if this works.


Hotel Hisarlık. Tel: 0286-283 0026

Varol Pansiyon. Tel: 0286-283 0828

Transport info

Minibuses to Tevfikiye and Troy leave from a minibus terminal in Çanakkale across the road from the big marketplace and beside the Sarı (Yellow) river. They leave roughly every one and a half to two hours in summer. On the way they may transit the oddly named Çıplak Köy which might appear to mean Naked Village but in fact means something more like Village Devoid of Trees.


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