There are many ancient carvings dotted about the Kızkalesi area west of Adana. The most impressive are 17 figures carved in the beautiful Şeytandere canyon 6km inland and known collectively as the Adamkayalar (Rock Figures). Unfortunately you’ll need a good head for heights to cope with the path down to view them which looks, frankly, dangerous to me. In summer it may be possible to access them more readily from the valley floor.

Even if you can’t face the descent (as I couldn’t) it’s still worth coming here for the magnificent views out over the canyon to Kızkalesi, floating serenely off the coast.

On the way to or from the canyon you can also take a quick look at a stone watchtower that still stands almost completely intact.

Transport info

Without your own car you’ll need to hire a taxi in Kızkalesi to visit the carvings, making sure to agree waiting time beforehand.gozelt2


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