Like most of Europe Turkey operates its electricity on 220 volts. However, it uses plugs with two round pins which means that visitors from the UK and USA (but nor continental Europe) will need adaptors for their electrical appliances. These can be bought in Turkey but not always very easily outside of the main centres. Nor do these adaptors seem to be as robust as those brought from overseas.

It is unlikely that you will experience any problems with electrical appliances in your hotel (except for the disruption caused by power outages – and even then many hotels have their own generators). Away from hotels though the wiring in many older buildings is often very dodgy so you should avoid going out and leaving appliances plugged in. In private rental apartments you may find too few sockets and some of them very inconveniently located.

All electrical appliances can be bought in Turkey; the prices will be about the same or even more than you’d pay at home. Leading dealers for electrical goods include Arçelik, Beko and Vestel. They have branches in all major cities.




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