“Baby” or “Doll”

To take the pulse of Turkish high society at play you could do worse than head for Bebek, between Arnavutköy and Rumeli Hisarı, which is a suburb with a well-deserved reputation as a place to see and be seen.  The coast road narrows as it makes its way through Bebek which slows the traffic down, making it easier to eye up a great choice of restaurants with something for everyone but mostly for the better off.

A solid wedge of shops and restaurants blocks the view of the Bosphorus from the main stretch of Bebek high street but as you come in from Kuruçeşme you will see a pleasant waterside park with plenty of benches where you can sit and watch the boats go by. Then at the Küçük Bebek end of the high street as it heads out towards Rumeli Hisarı the water side of the road turns into a delightful promenade where you can join the fishermen and sunbathers who crowd in in the summer.

Bebek is home to Turkey’s most prestigious university, Boğaziçi (Bosphorus) University, which hunkers down on the hillside in buildings of Victorian sturdiness amid extensive grounds overlooking the strait.bebek5

Around Bebek

The small but pleasing waterside Türkan Sabancı Park comes equipped with exercise machines, a dog-walking pound  and a tree with mosaic embedded in its bark. A statue of the Iraqi-born poet Fuzuli (1480-1556) forms a somewhat surprising centrepiece but really this is a place to come to people-watch rather than  try and get inside the heads of the urban decision-makers.

Overlooking the park on the Kuruçeşme side stands the magnificent Art Nouveau building that houses the Egyptian Consulate/Hıdiva Sarayı. Dating back to 1902 and completed renovated in the 2010s, it was designed originally for Emine Hanım, mother of the last Egyptian Khedive, Abbas Hilmi, who later had a summer house built for himself on the opposite side of the Bosphorus at Çubuklu. It is not absolutely certain whose eye lay behind the building’s design. Although it’s usually claimed for Raimodo d’Aronco, it’s just as likely that it was designed by either of the two Austrian architects, Fabricius and Antonio Lasclac.

On the other side of the park, right by the water, stands the small and not especially exciting, heavy-domed Bebek (Hümayunbad) Cami, a work of the First National architect, Kemalettin Bey, and dating back to 1912. Its longer name commemorates a palace on the site that was built for Sultan Ahmed III and demolished in the mid-19th century by Sultan Abdülmecid.
bebek2As you head out of Küçük Bebek you will see the gate that leads up to the Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (Bosphorus University) campus with its impressive buildings set in grounds that will remind many British visitors of an Oxbridge College and American visitors of an Ivy League campus such as Harvard. Founded by Cyrus Hamlin (1811-1900) and Christopher Robert (1802-78) in 1863 as Robert College, the first American college outside the USA, it was turned into a university in 1971 at which time the college relocated to Arnavutköy and added a sister college for girls.
Bebek’s other attractions also lie on the steep slopes inland. It’s worth looking for the Kavalyan Konağı, erected in 1751 and so one of the oldest – as well as largest – wooden buildings to survive in the city, albeit in a poor state of repair. bebek3Kavalyan Konağı, 2009
The back streets are also home to the Lazarist Church of Sacre Couer (1908) and to the Greek Orthodox Church of Hagios Haralambos built in 1832 but only given a belltower in 1962.
The stroll along the shore via Aşiyan to Rumeli Hisarı is one of the great pleasures of the city. As you walk look out on the inland side of the road for the 17th-century Kayalar Mescidi and then for the rust-red Yılanlı Yalı (Snake Mansion), a reconstructed take on an 18th-century original which acquired its peculiar name when an official tried to deflect Sultan Mahmud II’s excessive interest in it by endowing it with tales of evil serpents.
Bebek is almost too full of delightful places to eat and drink. Some of my favourites include (and I make no apologies for including Starbucks since this particular branch has a wonderful deck looking over the water):
Bebek Balıkçısı. Tel: 0212-263 3447
Lucca. Tel: 0212-257 1255
Poseidon. Tel: 0212-263 3823
Starbucks. Tel: 0212-287 4363
Bebek Hotel. Tel: 0212-358 2000
Transport info
Most of the buses running along the western shore of the Bosphorus pass through Bebek and Küçük Bebek.
Infrequent commuter ferries to Eminönü and back leave from the Bebek ferry terminal (https://www.sehirhatlari.istanbul/).
Dolmuşes to Bebek leave from the main square in Beşiktaş passing through Kuruçeşme and Arnavutköy.
Deniz dolmuşes (sea dolmuşes) ply between Galataport and Bebek, stopping at Beşiktaş, Ortaköy and Arnavutköy. They are relatively pricy and only accept temassız (contactless) card payment – half price if you use a Mastercard.
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bebek6Art Nouveau details on Egyptian Consulate

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