The tiny archaeological site of Amos perches high on a headland between Amos Bay and Kumlubükü due west of the seaside resort of Turunç. It’s one of those increasingly rare sites on which no work is being done although a clear path winds its way up and down the slope with good explanatory boards available.

Amos seems to have been founded during the obscure Rhodian Peraia era and forms a triptych with the ruins on Sedir Adası (Cleopatra’s Island) and at Kastabos, near Hisarönü. Its curious name could possibly be derived from the Ancient Greek for “sand”.

There’s not a lot to see here but as you climb from the roadside you will pass stretches of monumental wall probably dating back to Hellenistic times and created from huge chunks of irregularly shaped masonry. The path emerges on the headland with spectacular views down onto both bays. Here, too, are the slight remains of a small unexcavated theatre that would have shared the same great views out over the sea to the mountains.

There is supposed to be a cistern up here and the remains of a temple to Apollo Samnaios above the start of the path but neither is signed and I didn’t find them.

The site is open all hours and there’s no admission fee.

Amos walls

Transport info

On a cool day you might consider walking the 4km uphill along the road from Turunç although there is no footpath and some drivers careen along the road like lunatics.

Alternatively you can get a taxi driver from Turunç to run you there and back. You won’t need more than half an hour’s waiting time.

The views alone justify the visit so if you have your own car you might want to pop up here even if ruins aren’t normally your thing.



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