“Orhan’s Village”           Population: 1,500

Old name: Baybassos

Midway between Hısarönü and Selimiye on the Bozburun Peninsula, Orhaniye is a small, scattered village inland from the sea but with several satellite settlements on the beach as well as a large marina, the Martı Marina. Most people come here to admire a natural phenomenon, a sandspit beneath the water along which people can walk. They are said to look as if they’re walking on water but since most are wading in water up to mid-thigh they no more look as if this is the case than do the people wading out to Tavşan Adası at Gümüşlük on the Bodrum Peninsula.

Still, it’s a but of fun on a scorching hut summer’s day and there’s the inevitable pretty story attached to the phenomenon. Supposedly some 3,000 years ago the king of Baybassos had lost a war to his enemies and been killed. In a desperate effort to escape, his beautiful daughter filled her skirt with sand which she threw into the sea to form a path in front of her. Inevitably, however, she lost her way, ran out of sand and was drowned. In her memory the sandspit is now called Kızkumu (Maiden’s Sand).

Not surprisingly, the area around Kızkumu is something of a tourist trap although if you’re need of a snack it’s probably as good a place as any to pause for one.

As at Selimiye Orhaniye was protected into medieval times by a small castle, probably dating back to Byzantine times, built onto a rock right in the middle of the bay.orhaniye2

Transport info

There are reasonably frequent timetabled bus services from Marmaris otogar to Orhaniye. The Selimiye and Bozburun buses also pass by.

Day trip destinations








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