“Selim’s Village”                                                       Population: 1,300

Old names: Hydas, Losta

Market day: Wednesday

Of all the beach resorts on the northern arm of the Reşadiye Peninsula west of Marmaris the jewel in the crown has surely to be Selimiye between Orhaniye and Bozburun. Here a vast almost circular bay is overlooked by soaring mountains – the view from the approach to Selimiye has to be seen to be believed.

Such a lovely spot was well-defended in the past. The remains of a small castle perch on a tiny fairy-tale islet in the middle of the bay while the ruins of a rather sturdier fortress bestride the mountain on the inland side of the main road.

It’s not just in the beauty of its setting that Selimiye wins out over Orhaniye and Hisarönü but in the fact that the actual settlement wraps itself around the bay so that the tourism development feels as if it is part of a real village with a modern (1976) mosque, a few shops, an ATM and a thriving market. A bit of boat-building still goes on here too with chickens running about amid piles of wood chippings.

Since 2010 these undoubted benefits have impressed themselves on would-be hoteliers and restaurateurs and now much of the shore is ringed with pleasingly low-key hotels and places to eat. They are aimed unabashedly at well-heeled Turkish holidaymakers and yachties, as are the decidedly chi-chi clothing and jewellery stores. selimiye2


When it comes to finding somewhere to eat you’ll be spoilt for choice here with lots of small cafes offering tea and cakes to back up a great choice of restaurants with tables on decks by the water.

I tried the paprika tavuk kebab at cute little Paprika and loved it but nearby I could also have tucked into çıtır mantı (crispy dumplings) or even çıkolata mantı (chocolate dumplings) at Badem Mantı had the heat not been quite so oppressive.


Badem Tatil Evi. Tel: 0252-446 4122

Begovina Restaurant. Tel: 0252-446 4292

Müze Beach Hotel. Tel: 0252-466 4373

Nejla Apart-Motel. Tel: 0252-446 4044

Palmetto Resort Hotel

Seray Pansiyon. Tel: 0544-424 2983

Selimhan Hotel. Tel: 0252-446 4069

Transport info

Fairly frequent timetabled buses run from Marmaris otogar to the centre of Selimiye. Otherwise you can take a Bozburun bus, get off at the road junction and walk the last 500m into the centre.

Note that buses to Söğüt do not pass the Selimiye junction; to get there without your own car you will need to arrange an unofficial “taxi”.

Day trip destinations









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