The Dim Mağarası is a wonderful showcave in Kestel, 11km to the east of central Alanya (although effectively it’s all one long built-up area).

The cave is a popular destination for coach tours but don’t let that put you off since it really is spectacular, with a 310-metre-long walkway leading you past stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations (don’t miss the tiny humps identified as a pair of owls) until it finally reaches a small blue pool with rock formations shaped like humans seemingly walking into it.

A visit is well worth the admission fee although you’re bound to enjoy it more in the off-season.

Most Alanya hotels will be able to arrange for you to take the shuttle bus out to the Dim Çayı (river) which is lined with restaurants. I didn’t go there but it sounds like a rather overblown tourist attraction.

Transport info

The cave is 3.2km away from the Akdeniz University premises that are accessible on the No. 2 bus from central Alanya.


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