Population: 14,000

The village of Yazır, near Acıpayam, is worth visiting since it’s home to one of a group of lavishly painted mosques to be found in the area around Denizli. Unfortunately when I visited in April 2014 it was closed for restoration so I didn’t get to see the interior. Pictures show paintings of a curtain veiling the mihrab and images of fruit, flowers and small towns in panels on the walls. Tree-trunk columns support a beautifully carved ceiling.

The Çarşı Cami dates back to 1802-03 and appears to have been painted by an artist clued into artistic trends in Constantinople and who painted in a more naturalistic style than most of the other artists working locally. It has an attractive portico and stands in a pleasantly shaded courtyard.

Around the mosque a few fine old stone houses with wooden fittings are still just about surviving.azir2

Transport info

Minibuses from Acıpayam to Yazır Köyü (24km) will drop you right in front of the mosque. It’s best to plan your visit for a Tuesday when the market is in full swing in Acıpayam and extra buses are laid on to bring shoppers in from Yazır. On other days you may have a long wait for a bus.


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