“Kilim Cove”

While staying in Ağva on the Black Sea near İstanbul you can also visit Kilimli Koyu just a few km away which boasts a wonderful stretch of rocky coastline reminiscent of Dorset or Cornwall in the UK. A restaurant offers a deck from which you can gaze down on Gelinkaya (“the Bride Rock”) right on the edge of an exquisite circular cove, thankfully off-limits to rubbish-shedding picnickers.

The story here is a familiar one. Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Parents refuse permission for couple to marry. Girl and boy pray to be turned into rocks. Their wishes are granted, with knock-on benefits for the scenery.


Ağva offers a great range of hotels for anyone wanting to visit this lovely cove.

Transport info

There is no public transport to get you from Ağva to Kilimli Köyü although the hotels will probably be able to arrange something for those arriving without private cars. You could also walk there – it’s about 5km away.kilimli2


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