Population: approx 150

Other names: Kfarze, Keferze

The Tur Abdin village of Altıntaş is close to Anıtlı and easy to visit on the same day trip. The village is a particularly pretty one, although largely abandoned. The main church aside, it is also home to a couple of small stone chapels and a funerary church, all of them restored and well maintained despite the absence of a congregation.

The main church of St İzozoel is large, with a narthex running north to south beside a single barrel-vaulted aisle still with some of its Byzantine tilework in place. It was probably built in the eighth century. The elaborate belltower on the roof (which offers a fine view over the village) was a 20th-century addition. The large courtyard houses pieces of stonework discovered during excavations beneath the church that also uncovered the round stone table that now sits in the middle of the aisle.

Transport info

There are no buses to get you to Altıntaş and Midyat taxi drivers may need a little help in finding the road in a part of the country with few signposts or village nameplates.



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