“Bard”                Population: negligible

Ozan is a small village of adobe houses some 50km northeast of Darende. There would be no reason at all to come here but for two things: the first is the spectacular scenery all the way along the road that leads to it, the second a grand free-standing Roman tomb, probably belonging to the 2nd century AD, with swags and columns carved on its outside that was turned into a church in Byzantine times before being converted into a mescid and then abandoned. For most people it would be a fairly minor curiosity but the journey to reach it elevates into something worth going out of your way to see.

The road to Ozan runs through the Tohma and Ozan valleys with soaring, spectacular rocky scenery all along the way. The assorted small villages set back from the main road area also picturesque, some of them perched on rocky ridges. Apricot trees now grow where once there was forest. It’s a tiny piece of paradise that’s very little visited for the time being.

Transport info

This is definitely a part of the country best explored under your own steam. With your own car you would be able to continue on and through the Levent Vadisi before heading for Malatya, a wonderful drive.

Failing that, you will need to negotiate for a taxi in Darende since what minibuses there are are timed to suit the needs of villagers going shopping in Darende rather than tourists in search of sights.


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