Barley River Town                                                         Population: 3,000

Arpaçay in the remote northeast of Turkey is not a place where one would normally want to linger. On the other hand without your own transport it’s the best place from which to arrange a visit to Çıldır Gölü (Lake Çıldır).

Taxi drivers will run you round the northern side of the lake, pausing in Doğruyol and Akçakale (Ada Şehri) before heading on to Şeytan Kalesi (Satan’s Castle) at Yıldırımtepe, beyond Çıldır.

If you don’t want to stay in Arpaçay get them to run you the extra 42km from Çıldır to Ardahan and a better (if not brilliant) choice of hotels.

They are likely to be much more reluctant to take the rough road than runs along the southern side of the lake where the mountains press more closely against the shore.

 Sleeping and eating

There are no hotels in Arpaçay. If you get stuck the Öğretmen Evi may be able to offer a bed (one private room, otherwise dorms) for the night.

A couple of small lokantas open for breakfast but they’re closed for the day by 7pm. Your best bet is to visit on a day trip from Kars.

Transport info

There are three buses a day from Kars to Arpaçay (42km) and vice versa (on Sundays only the early morning and early evening services may run). They leave from the old bus terminal in Kars.

No dolmuşes connect Arpaçay and Çıldır (55km).

Day trip destinations

Akçakale (Ada Şehri)

Çıldır Gölü (Lake Çıldır) 


Şeytan Kalesi (Satan’s Castle) 



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